Do you often get confused by which type of weed pipe is the best? Do you feel like a novice when it comes to choosing between diverse types of pipes? If so, then this article might be for you. We’ve compiled a list of the most common types of weed pipes and explained how they work, hopefully making your decision that little bit easier.
9 Types Of Weed Pipes You Should Know About – And How They Work

1) The Chillum Pipe:
The first type on our list is the chillum pipe. Chillums are often enjoyed by cigarette smokers. This type of pipe is usually made out of clay or ceramic and is commonly used in regions of Asia and the Middle East. Basically, chillums work by removing the majority of toxins from the smoke by allowing it to ‘chill’ itself as it travels through the pipe. This means that you get a far stronger hit as a result, without all those nasty toxins messing with your head in the process!
2) The Bong:
Next up on our list is one that many people already know and love -the bong. Bongs are used in much of Asia and Europe, however they’re becoming more widely available thanks to companies such as Ebay. Bongs can come in many different shapes and sizes, but the basic idea is the same; they are used to filter your smoke before it gets to your mouth. Bongs work in a similar way to chillums; by filtering the smoke through special water.
3) The Gravity Bong:
A gravity bong isn’t quite as simple as it sounds. It’s essentially just a bong that uses gravity to pull water through it! Gravity bongs are very simple and usually consist of two plastic bottles, one smaller than the other. Once you have filled up the smaller bottle with water you then simply light the bowl of your weed pipe (just like a normal bong) and place it inside of the larger bottle. The water will then be pulled up into the smaller bottle, thus filtering the smoke in much the same way as a normal bong would.
4) The Vaporizer:
Vaporizers are becoming increasingly popular in the world of weed pipes these days, and with good reason too! They work by heating up your weed until it is just hot enough to release all its CBD and/or THC, but not enough to burn it. It is then released as steam which you can inhale without ingesting any nasty plant matter at all! There are many different types of vaporizer available for purchase, however they all work in a very easy way. If you are a vape beginner and want to read more, keep updated to our blog!
5) The Vape Pen:

Vape pens are becoming increasingly popular thanks to the huge selection of different flavors available. Many users prefer to use the pens for a more discreet form of consumption, but you’re still able to get the same kind of high as with a bong or chillum pipe. Vape pens come in a number of different variations, but basically they work in a way similar to bongs and chillums, just without the large water filters.
6) Water Pipes:
Water pipes are getting more popular nowadays as they offer an entirely different kind of hit to the normal bong or chillum smoke. Basically, water pipes look like normal bongs, however they are made out of glass rather than plastic. They usually come with a bowl which allows you to collect your smoke for later consumption. Water pipes, like bongs and chillums, work by filtering the smoke before it’s given to the user.
7) The Pijat Pipe:
There are many different types of pipes people get when using cannabis, but the pijat pipe is probably the most unique. This type of pipe looks like a combination between a chillum and a bong: it has two sections where you would normally put your mouthpiece in and there’s a bowl that catches any water you may use with your smoke to create the steam you inhale. The idea behind pijat pipes is that they help to filter out any toxins from your smoke.
8) The Pipes:
Pipes can be used in several different ways, but the idea behind them is very similar to chillums and bongs. Basically, they are a kind of pipe that allows you to inhale your smoke and get a stronger hit. They can often look a bit more like an air-hose than anything else, and work in a similar way to chillums and bongs in terms of filtering your smoke before it reaches your mouth.
9) The Ripper:
The ripper looks like two different pipes combined together. There is a bowl holding your weed within the middle section, and then the joint wraps itself around the bowl. The idea is that it lets you use only one hand to hold on to your joint, but still lets you take a hit from the other side of it. This allows you to get a much stronger hit than you could normally achieve with a normal bong, as well as making sure that your joint doesn’t go out while you’re smoking!
What to consider when buying weed pipes

After reading this article you should understand how different types of weed pipes work, as well as the pros and cons of each. However, there are still a few things that you should consider before making your final decision.
As mentioned above, there are many different types of pipe out there to buy. And although they are all designed to help filter your smoke just like a bong or chillum, they all tend to be slightly different with their own individual benefits and disadvantages.
Bongs and chillums may look very similar to one another, but there are actually some major differences between the two. To know which one is best for you, it’s definitely worth a closer look.
As I mentioned above, the majority of water pipes will be made from plastic. This can have a number of benefits: they are easy to carry around if you’re just taking them out to smoke on your way home from work or something of the sort. But be careful not to get your pipe broken when transporting them, as plastic pipes tend to break easily if dropped! Enjoy your pipe!